This was a rough week for the family- we lost a very dear friend, our pastor, who not only counseled and married Doug and I, but Mr. Hornby also dedicated Trey. I feel such a loss at all of the parts of my life that Mr. Hornby will never know, but I am unbelievably grateful for all the moments that he celebrated with us. We spent the weekend in Richmond, to honor Mr. Hornby's life, and Trey was amazing. He was wonderful all weekend long- Trey never had a meltdown, despite all the strangers (to him) that wanted to hold him, hug him, carry him around, and basically invade his space!
We also went to Gymboree, and had a super fun playdate at Noreen's. In both places, Trey was the ONLY boy! This has become quite the trend, and I keep asking myself- where the heck are all the little boys??? One thing is for sure- Trey is going to have his pick of girlfriends!
Some new items of the week: Trey experienced popcorn (thanks to his Daddy) and he loves it! I was a little concerned about the kernels and kernel shells, but Doug insisted he was fine, so I went with it. AND- Trey had his very first baby modeling shoot! It's a long story how that came about, but Trey apparently has a "look", and he did an amazing job! We just got the pictures back today, and they are so stinkin cute! I can't wait to share them with all of you!
This week we are planning on transitioning to ONLY sippy cups during the day, but keeping the bottle at bedtime... I'll let you know how that goes!