I titled this blog "My Toddler Week 1". This will ring true to you mother's or almost mother's out there who are members of http://www.babycenter.com/. When you get pregnant, I would guess that most of us immediately signed up for pregnancy updates. The email updates are always titled: "Your Pregnancy- Week 10 (11, 12, 13...)" with a little synopsis of what to expect from that particular week. Once you actually have your baby, you then get email updates titled: "Your Baby- Week 1 (2, 3, 4...)"- you get the picture! :) Well... much to my surprise, this past week, I got my weekly email, fully expecting it to say "Your Baby- Week 53", and instead it said "Your Toddler- Week 1"!!!! I actually had to take a second and let this sink in... I HAVE A TODDLER! What?!?!?! And then, of course, I thought- "will I continue to get these emails and will they one day say: 'You Teenager- Week 1'. Yikes!"
Ok, this week brought St. Patrick's Day- always a fun holiday, and it was actually Trey's first St. Patrick's Day! His official due date was March 14th, and I truly believed last year that he would be here before the holiday, but much to my dismay, he was not. This year, we got to spend it at Hillary's house for a playdate with all of our little baby friends. Trey fought the nap that day, so we couldn't stay for too long, but it was still fun.
We also playdated with Eddie and Melissa on Friday by going to lunch and walking around Birkdale. Eddie and Trey are so cute together, and we had a great time!
Saturday was Trey's 1st Birthday! After all of our partying the last few weekends, we decided to spend the day as a family- just the 3 of us, and very low key. The highlight of the day was that we took Trey to Snip-Its for his very first haircut!!!! He did awesome, and the ladies in the salon were so great. He got to sit like a big boy in a chair that spun, and he ate animal crackers and watched cartoons. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much better than that! We also flipped Trey's carseat around this week, so now he is facing forward, and LOVES it! I am completely distracted while driving now, since Trey wants to be Mr. Chatty and talk to me the whole time, which of course I want to see, therefore forcing my eyes to leave the road. Don't worry- I'm working on this and trying to be a more conscientious driver.
On Monday, Trey had his 1 year checkup at the doctor's office. His stats are:
Weight: 20 pounds, 6 ounces- 25th percentile
Height: 28 1/2"- 25th percentile
Head Circumference- 45 3/4- 40th percentile
Up to this point, Trey's head has always been relatively small compared to his body, but now the tables have turned!!!! Dr. Lodes said that only 50% of children are walking prior to their first birthday, so he was impressed by Trey's skills. He also said that at this stage, Trey should be saying 3-5 words. Between you and me, I'm not sure Trey is really saying any words. He CAN say Da-Da, Ma-Ma, and Bye, but getting him to say it on command is pretty much impossible, so our goal from this point forward is to hit the vocabulary hard! :) We have also been working on getting rid of all bottles. We are 100% done with daytime bottles.... getting rid of that bedtime bottle is a LOT harder! Trey cried for 40 minutes last night before we gave in and just let him have a bottle (filled with water) for a few minutes. It kind of makes the crying completely counter-productive if we just end up giving in at the end, doesn't it? But we're trying, and we'll keep trying until we succeed!
That pretty much covers it for this week! Trey is getting a little bit closer to being a big brother every week! We are on week 9 out of 40 weeks, so there are 31 weeks left until Trey's little world is turned upside down!