This week has definitely kept me on my game! Trey is the type of child that is naturally curious (I say this only because it seems very inappropriate to say that my child has the Devil inside of him sometimes!), and he needs to be taught what is good. :)
Trey's new favorite game is throw things in the trash can- this can be anything that he can get to fit in there- books, shoes, remotes, food, clothes,... the list goes on and on. We have recently lost 2 remote controls, and I'm sure that they landed in the trash can without me checking before it went out... I am so tired of going through the dirty trash, and I'm not sure my stomach can take too much more of this!
The other night, I thought it was so cute that Trey had crawled into one of our cabinets and was playing. This happens to be a cabinet that he plays in all of the time, and I've always thought was relatively safe, so I never worry. When I saw him in the cupboard, I went and got my camera and started taking his picture. It wasn't until after I had snapped about 5 pictures that I realized Trey was holding a STEAK KNIFE!!!! Apparently, in the far back of this cabinet, we had stored an old knife set and never thought about it again. Leave it to my son to find it!
We also played at the pool with Miss Lexi and Miss Autumn this week! One of the pools over at Moss Creek was closed, but there was still plenty to do and another pool to play in. Leave it to Trey to discover the one pool that is closed and make it his ONLY mission in life to get in!!!
Trey is also in love with all things water. I am terrified of what our water bill will look like this month... he has learned how to turn on the faucets in our tub, and on several occasions I have gone upstairs to discover water running (I'm sure from some point earlier in the day when we were playing upstairs). The hose outside is also a huge hit, and he has so much fun, that I'm willing to pay the gigantic water bill that is sure to come... at least for this month!
* Just after writing this post, I went to the bathroom, and Trey followed me- as usual. As I was standing up to flush, Trey grabbed a magazine from the magazine rack and catapulted it into the toilet. Great- just what I wanted to do- fish out a magazine from dirty toilet water. Lord help me!!!!
Just so I'm clear- Trey really does have a sweet, loving personality. He loves to cuddle and give "huggies", kisses, and pat-pats. He just has this crazy, insane, side to him that I am completely unable to control!