Today, September 20th, Trey is 18 months old! In celebration of the big day, we went to the doctor's for our 18 month checkup, and just as we suspected, Trey is perfect in every way! :) His stats are:
Weight: 22.06 pounds (9th percentile)
Height: 32 inches (14th percentile)
Head Circumference: 26.5 (17th percentile)
Trey has hovered around this 22 pound mark for FOREVER, so these numbers did not really surprise me. The fact is, he started off a very big boy, and is now turning into a much smaller "big boy".
I read an article this past weekend in this month's parenting magazine that said an 18 month old should have 30 words, so Doug and I counted up all of Trey's words, and including the animal sounds, only made it to 20. This concerned me, so when we saw Dr. Loads this morning, my biggest question was that I thought Trey might have a language delay. Dr. Loads then proceeded to ask Trey to say several "common" words (Mama, Dada, hi, bye, hot, dog, night-night, and then all of Trey's body parts) and Trey did awesome. Dr. Loads then turned to me and told me point blank to "chill-out". Apparently, most children at this age have 5-10 words, and we have absolutely nothing to worry about. I fully blame the stupid October issue of Parenting magazine!
Trey has started pre-school again- thank goodness, and he is having a great time! The color of the month has been Red, and they are learning to say please (which comes out like 'pees') and thank you (which sounds like 'tutu'). Trey also made adorable red finger painted hearts for Grandparents Day, which we mailed to NaniJay and Big Daddy, and Grandma and Grandpa DeEsch. Last week, Doug, Trey, and I all attended the Fall Ice Cream Social at Trey's school where Trey proudly pointed and waved to his favorite friends- Davis and Owen. Doug said it was so weird to see Trey acting like a real person, with real friends, and him showing us what he does. I loved it! Trey was so excited to show his Daddy the playground, the swings, his teacher, and his friends. I've said it a thousand times, but I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to have Trey in such an amazing school and environment.
Trey and I took a trip up to Virginia (just the 2 of us, while Daddy went on a guys bachelor weekend). The reason for the trip was to go to Aunt Kristyn's bridal shower, where Trey proudly represented the groomsmen by wearing his Ringbearer T-shirt.
The last big change for us this week has been the purchase- FINALLY- of a double stroller! We have researched and tested and debated and gone back and forth over a stupid double stroller for so long that at this point, I didn't even care! And then- LUCKY US!- our neighbor, Lorrie Noll, GAVE us her Graco tandem stroller and infant car seat! I didn't particularly want a tandem stroller (they are very heavy and bulky), but I was afraid of using a double jogger exclusively, although that is what I really wanted to do. So thanks to Lorrie, I felt GREAT about getting the double jogger I've been really wanting, since we now had the best of both worlds! And, another BIG thank you to NaniJay for buying us the double stroller we've been wanting! It was delivered on Saturday and I LOVE it! We went with the Tike Tech City X3 Twin, and I could go on and on about all the things I love in this stroller, but until I actually use it, I'll refrain :). We did take it for a quick test drive, and so far, it's a winner!
The weather has also started cooling off, and I am so excited for the fall! Pumpkin Patches, apple picking, a day trip in a few weeks to ride horses, and Halloween! Yay!!! I also ordered Trey's Hallween costume, and I'm hoping that I will be there with him when he wears it! With Carrington's due date just around the corner, there is a small chance she will arrive on Halloween, but who knows! :)