I've been trying for 2 weeks to load this post, but unfortunately the pics won't load, so I've decided to just post a link to the pics, this one time :).
The title of this post is a little misleading, since we've had several visits from lots of our family memebers lately, but it was the best I could come up with! I'm going to try and pack 4 weeks worth of information into one post, to conserve time and energy, so bare with me!
Uncle Brian, Aunt Melissa, and Rylee all came to stay with us for 5 whole days!!!! We had a ton of fun visiting the Discovery Place Kids, going to the pool, hanging out in the backyard, and taking a boat out on the Lake! It was so much fun, and Trey was seriously in mourning for days after Rylee left! We were reading a book last night, and there was a little girl in the book, and Trey kept pointing and saying "Rylee? Rylee?". He definitely misses his cousin! Even though they love each other to pieces, they did have a few little fights, which crack me up! We all watched Trey and Rylee out on the swingset while they worked out a little argument- there was minor slapping and pushing, and then they were happy as can be to continue playing together. So funny how kid's mind's work! Who knows what upset them to begin with?
As I've mentioned before, Trey has become extremely interested in his potty, and I took the leap a few weeks ago and bought him big boy underware! Thank goodness they sell underware with his favorite characters on them: Toy Story, Nemo, and Yo Gabba Gabba. He loves wearing them, but I think he loves being naked even more :). I am so grateful that potty training seems to be an easy transition for him- Lord knows that most transitions in Trey's world are not quite so easy!
Brian and Kristyn also came to visit over the 4th of July weekend, and again, we had a TON of fun! Trey adores them and again, cried and cried when they left. Now it's gotten to the point that even when we Skype with them and have to say goodbye, he cries. He clearly has separation issues! Trey LOVES fireworks, and for a few days prior to the 4th, we would set off fireworks at night, and each night he would climb up into Aunt Kristyn's lap and watch them go off. We threw our annual 4th of July block party and Trey actually stayed up until MIDNIGHT playing with all the kids and having a great time! I've learned that a house full of party guests and 2 kids is tough work, and thank goodness Uncle Adam was there to keep an eye on Trey, otherwise I'm pretty sure we would have lost him! :)
Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn put in a lot of time coaching Carrington on the finer points of crawling, and I am thrilled to announce that she is officially a professional crawler, thanks to their encouragement. We also had to lower her crib, since she is seconds away from fully pully up and standing! Yesterday, I took Carrington to the doctor's office because we thought she may have an ear infection. Turns out, we were wrong, but poor little girl has all 4 of her top teeth coming in at one time! Yikes!!!! She already has her 2 bottom ones, so this will make 6 teeth altogether! She is so mild mannered, that other than a small fever, she has been awesome! On a side note, her weight at 8 months is exactly 16 pounds.
Trey has become more interested in his baby sister lately, and while Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn were here, he even went so far as to pick her up and carry her around. Adorable at the time, but now I have to watch him like a hawk, since he has a tendency to randomly pick her up and start walking around the room! We all went out to lunch this past Saturday, and Doug and I heard Trey talking to Carrington in the backseat- which is adorable- and all the sudden we heard "Baby, want bite?" Ummmmm.... NO Baby DOES NOT want a bite! I immediately flung around and found a sour spree candy in Carrington's mouth! I didn't even know he could reach her mouth from his carseat! And where did he get the Sprees???? Oh, the questions I have with no answers...
This week will be our last week of art class- "My Little Picasso", and I'm really going to miss it! Hopefully they will add one more level of classes, and I think I'm going to sign Carrington up for the beginner class in the fall- things to look forward to!
Our coming weeks are going to be busy- we have more family coming to visit and then off to the beach! WooHoo!!!!