Easter seems like months ago, and it's even hard for me to remember exactly what we did, but I know the reality is that is was only 2 weeks ago, and I should seriously be able remember. :)
Things I definitely remember: I was running a little bit behind for this entire holiday! The neighborhood hosted their annual Easter Egg Hunt, and we had decided to take Trey (since it was during Carrington's nap). That seems like it would be simple, but Doug ended up running late, and I was frantically texting Sarah (the host) asking her to please wait for Doug and Trey to get there, otherwise Trey would get no eggs! They BARELY made it on time, for Trey to have a blast grabbing as many eggs as he could find, but that was it. Trey wanted NOTHING to do with any of the other activities- no visiting the bunny, no face painting, so exactly 19 minutes later, Doug and Trey walked back through our front door. Talk about a bust!
Easter Eve, Doug and I stayed up late filling a ton of little plastic Easter eggs with candy, and then Doug took on the job of preparing the egg hunt. He hid those eggs EVERYWHERE!!! In the morning, we opened Easter baskets upstairs, and then let the kiddos loose on the first floor to search for all the eggs. They were so cute, and they both loved everything about it. I am going to take a quick moment to share what I put in their baskets. Trey's basket: Moon Dough, a flashlight, coloring books, activity books, stickers, and a Max and Ruby bowl. Carrington's basket: toy microphone, a harmonica, sunglasses, a coloring pack, and an activity book. I'm sharing these details because I want you to know that I always thought Easter baskets were for small items and candy- to be honest, I REALLY hesitated on even getting the sunglasses for Carrington and the flashlight for Trey (both were about $7.00). I was shocked to hear that many of our friends were giving huge (or at least what I consider to be huge) gifts on Easter. I'm not kidding- ride on Jeeps, new beds, dollhouses... what in the world? Since when did Easter equate to a birthday or Christmas???
Our other Easter traditions include church and Jesus :), the Douglas family (and the Guinness family too!), and we always go to Easter Brunch at Red Rocks. It was delicious, as always, and we had a wonderful time.
We spent the rest of the day relaxing (we had FAMILY nap time- woohoo!!!!), playing outside, and planting new flowers. It was fantastic!