Today Trey had his 2 month doctor's appointment, with 3 shots and 1 oral vaccination! He was so brave- his face got bright red, he let out a squeal, and then he was completely fine. I was so proud of him! He is 13.2 pounds (in the 50th to 75th percentile), he is 24 inches long (in the 95th percentile) and has a head circumference in the 50th percentile. Basically, he is very tall, average in weight, with a small head :). He is now able to also drink water, so we should have a lot of fun at the pool this weekend! I've attached some pictures from today- before the visit and when we got home (you can see his little Band-Aids on his legs!).
Weight: 13.2 pounds
Height: 24 inches
Head: 39.5
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