It's alway fun going to the doctor (for well checks) to see how big Trey has gotten! This visit was "mixed" with excitement and worry, since Trey has had a stomach bug and not been feeling well. Here are his 6 Month Stats:
Weight: 17 pounds, 9 ounces
Height: 27 1/2"
Head Circumference: 43 cm
50th percentile for all 3! So he is exactly where he should be straight across the board!
He received all of his vaccinations, along with the flu shot, and he did great. I have to admit, Trey does amazing with shots. He cried for maybe 10 seconds, and then he was fine!
The tough part was that he has had this crazy upset stomach and has been throwing up. About 2 hours after his appointment, he started vomitting enough to scare me, and we headed back to the doctor's office. Luckily, it was not an allergic reaction to the shots (the flu shot has egg in it, so you have to be careful), but needless to say, Trey is still not feeling so hot. Hopefully he will be feeling better soon!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Weekend in Virginia AND My 6 Month Birthday!

This was a big weekend! We had our first plane trip with our friends Ashley and Ella, and Trey did amazing! He didn't sleep at all, but he was happy and talking the entire time. We got to visit several of our "baby friends"- Madison and Emma Musick, Ethan Dellinger, and of course, Little Miss Rylee! We also went to visit NaniJay at school, we spent some time with Big Daddy, and we got to go for a ride on Uncle Brian's shoulders!
I am now sitting up completely by myself, my bottom 2 teeth are completely "in", and I can reach out and help Mama and Dada get me out of my Jumperoo. I can also reach for someone who wants to hold me, and I sit in big boy high chairs at restaurants now too!
My best accomplishment of the weekend was my brand new vocabulary! I say "BaBaBaBaBa" all the time, and it's just a waiting game to find out what will come first... "MaMa" or "DaDa"!
Stroller Crazy- Sept. 20, 2009
Trey and I were waiting in Panera to meet our friends- Carrie and Ethan, and Trey just got so excited that I had to videotape it! He was going NUTS!!! I don't know if it was his new stroller or the weird orchestra music in the background, but something got him going!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My First Day of School! Sept. 8, 2009

Trey was such a big boy and he did so great at school today, we celebrated by going to the playground and spending some time on the swings!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Time at the Beach! August 28, 2009

We all went to Carolina Beach for the weekend and had a great time! It was Trey's first time in the Ocean, we got to spend lots of time with Little Miss Rylee, Trey got "dunked" in the water for the first time, and we even surprised Grandpop at the retirement community! It was such a fun weekend! AND we found out that Trey has BOTH bottom teeth coming in- and they are sharp!!! No wonder they hurt so bad coming in!
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