This was a big weekend! We had our first plane trip with our friends Ashley and Ella, and Trey did amazing! He didn't sleep at all, but he was happy and talking the entire time. We got to visit several of our "baby friends"- Madison and Emma Musick, Ethan Dellinger, and of course, Little Miss Rylee! We also went to visit NaniJay at school, we spent some time with Big Daddy, and we got to go for a ride on Uncle Brian's shoulders!
I am now sitting up completely by myself, my bottom 2 teeth are completely "in", and I can reach out and help Mama and Dada get me out of my Jumperoo. I can also reach for someone who wants to hold me, and I sit in big boy high chairs at restaurants now too!
My best accomplishment of the weekend was my brand new vocabulary! I say "BaBaBaBaBa" all the time, and it's just a waiting game to find out what will come first... "MaMa" or "DaDa"!
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