Christmas is right around the corner, and we have been decorating the house like crazy! We are really excited to have Christmas in our house this year and we want everything to look perfect. As you all know, Trey is fully crawling, pulling up, and basically a fully mobile child. Well... he is also able to not only pull himself up, but "walk" across a room- as long as he is holding on to something. As exciting as this is, we have had to purchase the dreaded BIG, LONG soft gate, to keep Trey out of the formal living room. We have a huge mirror in our foyer, and I'm in a constant state of terror that this isn't childproof. Don't worry- Doug will be rectifying this situation in the near future, but at the moment, we are just containing Trey in the kitchen and family room!
Doug and I also celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary this week, and we decided to be brave and take Trey with us to the Melting Pot. I'm not going to lie, we were both very concerned that this could quickly turn into a disaster, but Trey surprised both of us! He stayed in his high chair for almost 2 hours without a meltdown!!! Can you believe it?!?!? We definitely had to work at keeping him entertained (by the time we left, we had taken off Trey's hat, socks, and shoes- if we had stayed any longer, he may have been naked!), but it was a lot of fun, and I am so proud of him!
In addition to decorating for Christmas, Trey and I spent several hours at Meg-Art pottery making Christmas presents! I can't wait to give these gifts! Nothing is cuter to me than baby hands and feet :). The truth is that Trey's participation is minimal, and then I spent the next 3 hours creating the end result. I am proud to announce that Trey happily played in the playpen at Meg-Art while I continued to paint! I couldn't believe what a good boy he was!!!! As time consuming as this was, it was worth it! And I am full of creative ideas of more things I want to do with Trey now!
Trey has also become very possessive of his bottle and has "snatched" it out of my hand many times while I have been trying to feed him, just so he can feed himself! He fed himself an entire bottle this past week, and it sort of made me sad that my baby is less and less of a baby every day!
We missed Gymboree this week, much to my dismay, but Trey had an extra long playdate with his BFF, Davis. He and Davis go to school together and Trey spent a few hours with him after school playing. They are adorable, and I love watching them interact!
Doug and I also celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary this week, and we decided to be brave and take Trey with us to the Melting Pot. I'm not going to lie, we were both very concerned that this could quickly turn into a disaster, but Trey surprised both of us! He stayed in his high chair for almost 2 hours without a meltdown!!! Can you believe it?!?!? We definitely had to work at keeping him entertained (by the time we left, we had taken off Trey's hat, socks, and shoes- if we had stayed any longer, he may have been naked!), but it was a lot of fun, and I am so proud of him!
I love his conductors hat! He's such a cutie! And the house looks great! I can't wait to see it when we visit for Christmas :)