My baby 1 year ago, at Easter:

And back to present time:

Baby Allie Lynn:

We had a wonderful Easter this year! The weather was beautiful, we spent it with some great friends, and I was reminded of how much I truly have to be thankful for. I couldn't help but take a few minutes and remember that this was Trey's very first "second holiday"! There won't be anymore "first Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween...". So, in my nostalgic moment, I did go back and look at some of my favorite pics from last year, at this same time. I think that it probably bodes well for me that I am nostalgic for those baby times- especially considering that I am 11 weeks pregnant with Baby #2!
We've had a busy week around here! Trey got a new cousin, little Miss Allie Lynn was born on March 29th! She is a cutie pie! Again- holding her brought out those desires for little baby things again! Unfortunately, Trey is going through a less than accommodating stage and was a stinker in the hospital. These days, the only thing that can make him stop crying are Cheetos (I know, what parent gives there child Cheetos?- that's an easy one- US).
We also went to an Easter playdate at our friend Hillary's house- she is the queen of holidays, and always goes all out for mini photo shoots with the babies! The neighborhood had their annual Easter egg hunt, which we attended. There were a TON of kids there, so we snatched a few of the eggs and let Trey play and hunt after the crowd cleared out! These days, Trey is spending the majority of his time outside- usually helping Daddy with anything he can. Nothing makes Trey happier than getting to push his lawnmower or ride his motorcycle outside while Daddy does outside things (I'm not sure exactly what outside things are- this is their"man time").
Despite all of this, Trey has been unusually cranky and I'm going to blame it on the teeth. He is shoving his fingers way into the back of his mouth and chewing like nobody's business. We are still trying to wean the bottle- I actually don't think this has been all that difficult, except that the only way I can get Trey to drink a significant amount of milk is to give it to him in a bottle (in the morning). I guess that is our next hurdle we will have to tackle, but for today, I'm not going to worry about it too much. He is beautiful, healthy, smart, and funny, and there is nothing more important that that.
As I mentioned before, Trey is becoming quite the little stinker! Doug and I spent 4 days looking for one of my shoes, which we couldn't seem to find anywhere! We knew Trey was behind the disappearance, but we searched and searched and had no idea where the shoe went! One night, Doug went into one of the lower cabinets to pull out the electric stand mixer. Inside the mixer bowl was my missing shoe! What in the world possessed him to put it there, I will never know... We are still missing 2 picture frames and a candle- I will probably find those years from now in some hidden, obscure location :).
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and spent time being grateful for the sacrifices made for each of our lives!
The shoe in the mixer made me LOL!!!! He's a hoot!! Madison hides everything in her kitchen microwave...I made a bottle for Emma one day and put it on the coffee table, went back into the kitchen to get the phone and when I came back the bottle was gone??? I thought I was losing my mind, so I went and made another bottle. The next day, Madison opened her microwave & said "look mommy, it's baby memma's bottle"!!! At that point, I just had to laugh...now I know where to look!!