It's been a busy 2 weeks around here! Football season is in full force, and I am SO GRATEFUL that the Redskins have had 2 wins in a row! Woohoo!!!! Trey and I had a fabulous playdate with the Hip Mama's at Mel's Mini Whinnies in Huntersville. There were kitty cats, bunnies, and mini horses- and the best part was, Trey could pet and love everything and I didn't have to worry about telling him NO! :) Trey loves animals (especially cats), but he prefers all of them on his own terms. He loved petting the horses, walking next to the horses, and even making horsey sounds, but the SECOND I would put him on top of a horse, he would cry. We didn't push it, and he still had a great time.
Right after our trip to see the horses, Trey came down with a small stomach bug, and we had an eventful morning filled with Trey and I heading down to school, only to have him puke ALL OVER ME on our way into his classroom. That was a ton of fun, especially considering the fact that we live 30 minutes from his school, and I have an extremely sensitive stomach, which in turn caused me to start gagging and other things... Luckily this only lasted about 24 hours and he was back to his fun self again!
We also did Maternity photos for Carrington last week!!! They went wonderfully, and Trey was a GREAT picture taker, and did everything we asked and smiled on cue. I was so impressed and happy with the way everything turned out. It helped a lot that Trey is in love with my belly so asking him to "kiss Mama's belly" or "touch your belly" was an easy task for him to follow through on!
Another fun part of our week was staging our own photo session with Cousin Allie! We had to change the location at the last minute, but the pictures still came out beautiful. Their matching outfits were the most adorable things I've ever seen, and the pictures are so darn cute! Both kiddos were DONE taking pictures after about 45 minutes, but it was plenty of time to get some good snapshots :).
Other than that, life is moving along! We did get to attend Eddie's belated 2nd birthday party, where Trey and Eddie chased balloons and had lots of fun. I've been busy getting ready for Carrington to join our family, which mostly consists of me purchasing matching Brother/Sister outfits as often as possible, creating birth announcements, setting up photography sessions, and monogramming like crazy- ALL THINGS I LOVE!
We have been working on Trey's numbers and constantly count to 5. He can't form the words very well, but the TONE of the words is definitely there! Trey also loves to say "Uh-Oh" and is obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen... the second the beginning music comes on the television, Trey immediately enters a trans and stays that way for the entire duration of the episode. I've never seen him so content for a solid 20 minutes before.
I almost forgot to share Trey's newest toys!!!! Last weekend, Doug did a major cleaning session in the house and Trey followed him around "helping" to clean. Ever since then, Trey cries and begs to play with the windex, swiffer dusters, brooms, and all other cleaning supplies. I finally got so tired of fighting with him about NOT being allowed to play with Clorox and Windex, that I made a trip to the dollar store where I purchased the following: a large blue cleaning bucket, a broom, a mop, 2 squirt bottles, a duster, and a dish soap sponge. He LOVES all of it and now spends hours going around the house "cleaning" for Mama and Dada. I wasn't sure how Doug would feel about the new toys, but he thought it was hilarious, and one of the best $7.00 I've ever spent! Everything in our home has a layer of water from the squirt bottles, but water never hurt anything, right? :)
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