Carrington is 6 weeks old already, and although that isn't a very long time, it feels like she has been a part of our family for forever. We simply can't imagine life without her. She is still her wonderful, predictable self- sleeps great, eats regularly and is now staying awake for longer periods of time. She is almost fully sleeping through the night. She goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up around 3:30am-4am to eat, and then back to sleep until 9am! LOVE IT!
Trey has decided in the last week or so to pick his own breakfasts. This doesn't seem like a big deal, but the first morning he woke up and demanded "Banana" I was a little surprised, but I complied. You see, up until this point, Trey just had whatever I fed him- and most times he would just pick and occasionally eat, but this is just the way he is! The next day he said "Pop"- which in his world means Poptart. Again, I went with this newfound independence and gave him poptarts! I'm not sure what I'm gonna do when he demands scrambled eggs... especially since I'm not sure I know how to make anything other than fried eggs! :) The good thing about him actually telling me what he wants is that hopefully he'll start eating more than a few bites of something at any given time. The other sweet spot to my week was when I picked Trey up from school on Thursday, and his teacher told me that he has been carrying around a baby doll calling her "Baby Sister" and carefully wrapping her up in blankets. That almost made me cry!
We went with Uncle Adam, Aunt Shannon, and Allie to Breakfast with Santa at Red Rocks! I was hoping that if Trey warmed up to Santa in a neutral environment, the real visit with Santa would be enjoyable and fun! Oh, how wrong I was... Doug and I decided to visit Santa on a weeknight (to avoid crazy crowds), and go to the Bass Pro Shop. Their Santa's Village setup is amazing- crayon and coloring tables for the kids, tons of activities like remote control cars, hunting games, fishing games, wagons,... Just a lot of stuff to do- and perfect for Trey! They also give you a Santa picture for free and you can purchase additional packages. All of this seemed great! We get there and Trey is happily coloring and running around. We were the 6th person in line, so Trey got to see a few kids before him sit on Santa's lap, and he seemed ok with it. We had been practicing what Santa says- "Ho-Ho-Ho" (in case you didn't know), so we really thought we had all of our bases covered. When it was our turn, Carrington sat first and took her pretty girl picture. Next we added Trey to the mix- OH LORD!!!! Total meltdown! In an effort to calm him down, Santa suggested that Doug sit in Santa's chair with Trey, and Santa and Carrington will stand close by. Trey was completely traumatized and couldn't wait to get the heck outta there! Needless to say, the picture is a classic, and I love it! I'm also thrilled I didn't have to actually pay for our 3 pictures :).
We also headed over to Meg-Art to make our annual ornaments with the kids Hands and Feet. SO CUTE! Doug insisted on doing a family plate this year too- so all of our hands made an adorable Christmas Tree. I can't wait to pick them up and see the final product!
The weather brought our first little snow of the season, so I took Trey out to capture a few of those fun photos! He LOVES snow, rain, anything falling from the sky!
This past weekend was filled with Christmas parties, and unfortunately for us, our childcare ended up falling through, so we made a corporate decision to bring the kids with us! Surprisingly enough, they did great! I was still disappointed that we didn't have a babysitter, since we missed a few events that I was really looking forward to, but it was nice to have a real family weekend. This week is going to be long, since Doug is working like crazy, and has 16 hour days on Monday and Tuesday and probably more, but it will all be worth it when he has off for over 10 days starting next week!
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