I can't believe that Trey is going to be 2 in just a few weeks (well, 8 weeks to be exact)! I had told myself I would NOT do a party for his 2 year birthday, especially since we went overboard on the party front for his 1 year birthday, but I might change my mind. Gymboree offers great birthday packages, and we love Gymboree. Plus, they take care of everything, and the participating guest limit is 12- I LOVE THAT! We'll see, but Doug and I are both thinking this is a good plan, so far.
Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, Trey had tubes put back into his ears for a second time this year. This meant having surgery and there is always risks involved with doing any type of surgery on small children. Unfortunately, last week when we were visitng the doctor for cold symptoms, we discovered that one of the tubes has fallen out. We go back in for a follow up with the ENT this week, but Dr. Lods said that there is a very good chance they will have to do surgery AGAIN to re-insert the tube, to guarantee Trey's healthy success this winter season. We'll see what they say on Wed!
Trey finally went back to preschool on Thursday this week (between Christmas, the snow, and being sick, he's had a lapse in preschool attendence). Thursday was slipper day and they made Smores. So fun!
Trey has been quite the polite little guy, saying "Please" and "Thank You" (which sounds like "Pees" and "Tank Too", respectively. He can count to five- not always in order, but sometimes we get lucky! He is also the little climber, and I have caught him on more than one occasion on top of the table or the kitchen island. How does he get there? Well... how else? He drags a kitchen chair, or a box of diapers, or a toy truck over to whatever he wants to climb, and uses it as a ladder! I've had to hide climbing items in random places, but I am at a complete loss as to where to put the kitchen chairs. All I can do is hope that this phase ends quickly and he moves on to other, less dangerous, activities!
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