Trey's 2 year well check went great! He is healthy, happy, and smart- what more could a parent ask for? He received 2 shots, and screamed his head off, but other than that, it was a great visit!
Weight: 25 pounds, 14 ounces- 24th percentile
Height: 34 1/2" Tall- 54th percentile
Head Circumference: 47 3/4- 20th percentile
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Trey's Birthday Party at School!!!

Ok, if we haven't already done enough birthday celebrations, we had one more place to celebrate! School!!!! On Wednesday, Trey's teachers asked that I bring in a special snack to celebrate Trey's birthday with his classmates. I loved this!!!! Trey recently discovered Elmo, so we went out and bought some Elmo plates and napkins, got some Elmo juice boxes and Elmo books (as party favors) and put together a school party. That morning I brought in all of our party favors, and the special snack of the morning was cake pops! Perfect for 2 year olds, and it was a huge hit! Trey spent the entire snack time on my lap, and we sang happy birthday and had a great time. :)
Cousins for his birthday!!!

Trey got to spend time with all of his cousins on his birthday weekend! Like I mentioned before, Rylee was here all weekend, and they had so much fun toghether. Cousin Evan was a part of Trey's party- and even though Evan doesn't live too far away, his attendance was so special, because Evan is a brand new BIG BROTHER, and we all know how tough it is for a new mommy to get out of the house, even for a few hours! We love Evan, Becky, and Aunt Deb very much, and we really appreciated them being there! And on Sunday (Trey's official Birth Day), Allie came over to celebrate and have dinner with us! Trey was extremely loved by all of his family all weekend long!
Trey's 2nd Birthday Party!!!

I swore, vowed, promised, and insisted that I would NEVER do another birthday party, but (of course) as Trey's 2nd birthday approached, I changed my mind. I just couldn't do that- and if I was completely honest with myself, I enjoy planning a party- I just didn't want to do it at the house.
This year, we had a house full of visitors to help us celebrate! Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn were here, along with our other Uncle Brian, Aunt Melissa, and Cousin Rylee. Trey and Rylee are the two cutest kids you have ever seen, and they play so well together. I'm pretty sure that giving Trey a live-in playmate for 2 days was more than enough gift for him! They completely wore each other out, but they had a blast!
Trey's birthday was at Gymboree, and it was the perfect 2 year old location. Trey's been a "Gymboree-er" since he was 6 months old, so it seemed fitting that we do at least one birthday party there! The kids got to run around, play games, do parachute time, sing songs and just be wild. What did I have to do? Bring the cake (which I had delivered), bring juice boxes (which I forgot and then remembered at the last second), and gift bags. Piece of cake, right? Well... there is a reason why I didn't want to have the party at the house!
My family (the Keenan's) are notorious for falling apart seconds before we are to leave the house, go to school, head to church, arrive at a party... you name it, we are late for it! It seems like anything that could go wrong, does go wrong. Well, as we were getting ready to leave the house to head to Trey's Gymboree party, things slowly started going down hill. We go upstairs to quickly change, and just as I finish getting Carrington ready, Doug puts her in her Jumperoo, and she chooses that moment to go to the bathroom. No big deal, except that it is a major blast out, and Doug immediately picks her up and lays her on the bed. By the grace of God, her clothes are clean (the onesie underneath didn't make it and we had to trash it), but in Doug's haste, he proceeded to get poop ALL OVER THE BED!!!! Yes, you read that right... I'm pissed, Doug's frantic, and now Trey is crying. We get cleaned up (I made a decision to deal with the bedding later), and head downstairs.
This is when I remember that I didn't get any juice boxes, water, or soda for the party. Seriously? I have one job, and I can't even remember that? Doug assures me that we have plenty of time to pick some up- yeah right. Carrington is now screaming her head off- this is completely unlike her, and it is unraveling everyone's nerves. Doug's rocking her in the carseat, Trey is crying, and I'm close to tears. Uncle Brian tries to calm Trey by giving him a chocolate orea. What happens next you ask? Chocolate oreo is everywhere- all over Trey, his new birthday shirt, and precariously close to his jeans. I take a deep breath, take away the cookie, get a washcloth and glance at the clock. Yep, we're late. We all head outside- now we have to juggle car seats, seating arrangements, 2 cars,... Time is ticking by, and my mood is getting worse and worse. FINALLY we all get settled into our respective cars and head out- again, by the grace of God, Carrington finally relaxes. I want you to keep in mind that through all of this Carrington is SCREECHING at the top of her lungs- you would seriously think she was dying. And she is never, ever like this, so every last one of us is unraveled. When we finally make it to Gymboree, Doug heads over to Fresh Market for drinks, only to discover he has no wallet. Luckily we came with our posse, and someone pays for the beverages.
This is why I am forever grateful that I wasn't expecting 12 little children at my house, and instead we were going somewhere else, with someone else providing the entertainment, and I could relax and enjoy the hour and a half of fun. This is Trey's big day, and I don't want to remember it as the party from hell! :)
Trey had a fantastic time, the cake was perfect- and delicious- the gift bags came out adorable, and I was thrilled with everything (if you can take away the 30 minutes prior to party time). We were especially lucky that Aunt Kristyn took pictures throughout the entire party and made a point to get each and every guest. I am so thankful that she was there to capture all the details! I think Trey's favorite part of the party was seeing his friend Davis. Trey loves Davis and goes to school with him, so although Trey knew and recognized all the guests, Davis is his "constant". Davis and Trey have gone to school together for the last 18 months, so they see each other at least 3 times a week, maybe more. If it's possible to have a best friend when you are 2, then Davis is definitely Trey's BFF.
Happy Birthday Party to my Big Boy!!!!
My Little Smiler!

Carrington is such a smiler! Every time I go to take her picture, she immediately knows that I'm going to want to see that gummy grin, and she goes to town! She is a complete roller now- which means she can get herself across a room in no time at all. Every time she gets to rolling, she will pop her little head up to see if anyone is watching her. This chick is too funny!!!!
St. Patrick's Day!
I love this holiday- not because there is any real celebrating to be done- but because I can dress my kids up like the little cutie pies that they are, and I love it! This particular morning, Doug and I didn't wake up until 7am, which is unbelievably late for us, considering the fact that Doug is out the door by 5:30am every work morning. When he woke up and saw the time, we both kicked into overdrive FAST! I got myself ready in record time, and before the kids were up, but we were still running late. I knew that we needed to get in the car and get driving, but Trey and Carrington were both being so sweet, that I stopped my chaos, took a few deep breaths, and decided to relax and enjoy the moment with them. I grabbed my camera and started taking their pictures, and I'm so glad that I did. Spending an extra 15 minutes being happy with my kids was far more important than rushing everyone and panicking over a small delayed start to the day!
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