That weekend, Carrington had another "first"- it was her first time swinging on the playground! For Christmas, Doug and I got her a special pink swing for the playset, and I couldn't wait for the weather to get nice enough for her to go in it- and for her to get big enough to safely swing in it! I'm not sure she's really big enough, but I went ahead and let her swing anyways. I think playground swings should be called "Magic Swings" because they ALWAYS put my kids to sleep!
To wrap up our weekend of "firsts", that Monday night, we decided to move Carrington over to her own crib in her bedroom (2/21/11). She was just shy of being 4 months old, and I knew she had been ready for a while, but we wanted to wait until we didn't have any company- just in case she totally freaked out and had several bad nights. :) Turns out, I had nothing to worry about- the transition was perfect! She woke up once for about 30 seconds and immediately went back to sleep and slept a sound 12 hours. And even better than that, she's been doing it every night since! Again, I knew she was ready, and the only thing keeping her from truly sleeping for 12 hour stretches was being in the room with Doug and I- we were such a distraction for her! Isn't it supposed to be the other way around??? Aren't babies supposed to keep the Mommys and Daddys awake? Just another example of how my little baby isn't such a "baby" at all.
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