This past weekend was gorgeous, and we spent most of it outside! I got some beautiful pictures, which always makes me happy, and everyone was in a great mood all weekend long. One night before bed, everyone was being so sweet that I couldn't help but snap a few pictures :).
Carrington is now using the syllable "Da-Da". This is not a word, although EVERY time Doug hears her say that, he immediately turns to me and asks if I heard it... the answer is NO. I didn't hear anything close to "Da-Da"- at least not that I would ever admit to him! Secretly I know this will probably be her first word :).
Up until Tuesday night, Trey had been doing awesome in his big boy bed. Then 1:30am on Wed. morning (Tuesday night)we hear knocking at Trey's door. Of course, we ignore this sound and Trey starts saying "Knock-Knock" while knocking- as if that may somehow encourage us to go get him. About 2 minutes of this turns into screaming, wailing, and kicking the door. Ok, we get it- I get out of bed and put Trey back into his bed where he stares up at me with big eyes that don't look tired at all. I tell him to stay in his bed and then leave the room. He loses it! Screaming, crying, yelling,... we go through this for about 30 minutes until Doug finally gives in and he and Trey go and sleep together in the guest bedroom. Yes- this is exactly why I didn't want to move him out of the crib. If this had taken place in "crib days", Trey would have woken up, possibly cried, and then laid back down and put himself back to sleep. But, I am not one to say "I told you so". Luckily, we did not have a repeat of this performance again last night, so I'm hoping it was a fluke.
This morning, I was getting ready for work in the bathroom, and Trey was sitting in my bed reading his books. He started calling "Mommy, Mommy!". I went to check on him, and he patted the space next to him and said "Mommy, sit. Read books!" Who could resist? I didn't care if I was going to be late for work, that is one invitation I wasn't about to refuse! :)
This week was Trey and Carrington's last day of school, at least until mid-June, so that was sad, but we are looking forward to seeing all of our teachers and friends again in a few weeks! Monday was also our last day of Beginner's art class. This has been a blast and Trey has loved every minute of it! It is completely hands on, and he gets to color, paint, and draw to his little heart's content. Carrington has had a great time too, since all of the other kids are in love with babies and like to touch her. That chick LOVES the attention! We will be taking the Intermediate class in a few weeks, so we are really looking forward to more art!
I took a hilarious video of Trey last night pointing to pictures of him and Rylee. He knows that we are going to visit her this weekend for her birthday and see horses, so every time he points to her picture he says "Wywee Horsey?" "Birthday Wywee?". It is too big to load on blogger, but it is really funny!
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