Well, the past 2 weeks have been awful for me, but I'm thrilled to announce that both kids are doing great, super healthy, and loving all the time they've got to spend with their NaniJay :). Other fun news is that Trey can actually SAY "NANIJAY"!!! Sometimes he calls her "Nani", but he can say the entire word perfectly!
I ended up getting really sick last week, going to the ER, and ending in surgery, so needless to say, I have not snapped a single picture of my children in at least 2 weeks- maybe longer. This is historic for me, and VERY out of the ordinary! The good news is that our house is getting back to normal, and we were able to do Carrington's 9 month pictures this past weekend!
We also took Carrington for her 9 month well check, and her stats are:
Weight: 15.15 pounds (8th percentile)
Height: 28 1/4 inches (75th percentile)
Head: 44.2 (58th percentile)
AND, Trey at HIS 9 month checkup was:
Weight: 19 pounds, 7 ounces (40th percentile)
Height: 28 inches (50th percentile)
Head circumference: 44.5 (40th percentile)
It is so funny to me how their height and head are getting closer and closer to being exactly the same, at the same age, but Carrington is almost 4 pounds lighter than Trey was! :) Carrington has 4 teeth now- her 2 bottom, and her 2 top. The top right tooth JUST poked through the gums this past week, so she looks a little "hillbilly", but still super cute! She is a fantastic eater, and has no problem eating an entire jar of food (sometimes more) at one sitting. We also just increased her bottles to 6 ounces at a feeding, so she may start packing on the pounds! Carrington LOVES her big brother and follows him around the house all day long- wherever he is, is exactly where she wants to be, and it is not unusual for me to find them together in his tent with toys, just hanging out.
This week we are looking forward to more company- NaniJay, Big Daddy, Grammy, and Papa are all coming to visit, and we are so excited!
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