We have been busy, busy, busy! We spent this past weekend in New York for my grandma's 90th birthday! It was a lot of work only going up for the weekend, but you only turn 90 once, right? This trip was Carrington's very first plane ride, and she did fantastic! Trey was much more of a challenge. He did NOT want to stay buckled when the plane took off, he did NOT want to stay in his seat for an entire hour, he did NOT want to use both hands when drinking his apple juice out of the cup (with ice) that the flight attendent gave him- and just so we are clear, Trey managed to spill his cup of juice on all 4 flights we took this weekend. Trey also did NOT want to keep the tray in it's upright position during take off and landing. Trey did NOT want to stop kicking the seat in front of him. You get the picture, right? You are probably wondering why we even continued to allow him to have juice on every flight, in an adult cup, with ice. Let's just say that if we didn't let him have this, the alternative would have been very, very bad, so instead we gave in and dealt with wet, apple smelling clothes. Honestly, Trey wasn't that bad, it's just that he has a definite opinion about everything now, and he doesn't understand that things aren't always the way we want them. My personal favorite plane trip moment: When Trey announced, at the top of his lungs, that his "bum-bum hurt and he needs to poo-poo and have cream" (FYI- cream is Desitin, in case you were totally grossed out). I'm sure everyone was thrilled to hear that. Everything went fairly smoothly- we almost missed our connection in Philadelphia and had to literally sprint through the airport to not miss our flight, when they changed our gate at the last minute. And Doug forgot which long term lot he parked in at Charlotte, and we wandered around the dark, empty airport parking lots until we found our car at 12:30 in the morning...
But staying at Grammy and Papa's house was a lot of fun! Trey and Carrington got to play outside, and the weather was beautiful! Doug spent all day Saturday hunting, and although he didn't kill any deer, he did have a "close one", so the thrill of the hunt was a success. Mom and Dad also drove us by the church where they got married, and it was so pretty, I had to get out and snap a few pictures. Grandma's birthday party was nice- it's tough asking 2 children under 2 to stay nice and happy for 3 straight hours, so that was a little bit of a challenge. The best part was definitely getting to see Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn!
So, today we are back to trying to find our routine for this short week. We forced ourselves to fly back to Charlotte late on Sunday, because today was Trey's Thanksgiving Feast and Thanksgiving performance. I was so excited about this, and Doug was even able to leave work to watch the play. Unfortunately, Trey took one look at his Daddy and wanted NOTHING to do with singing and performing on the stage with his classmates, so I only managed to get one picture before Trey cried and got down. :( I was really bummed, but what can you do? Trey LOVES his Daddy, big time! The songs were super adorable, and the kids did a fantastic job!
Other things happening in our lives... Trey took off all his clothes and bent in front of the fireplace the other night. When I asked him what the heck he was doing, he said: "I'm warming up my bum-bum". Well... OK. He definitely learned that from his dad! He is still in a major hot dog phase and wants them for every meal of the day. This past weekend, we didn't have any hotdogs, and in the airport on Sunday, he leaned over and told the pilot on the airport shuttle that he "likes hot dogs a lot and wants hot dogs for dinner". The pilot was so nice, and assured Trey that they sell hotdogs at the airport.
Carrington has a rash all over her face, and the doctor has continued to tell us this is just from the moisture, but the rash has started spreading up near her eyes, and I really think it is some sort of allergy. We are going to try and make an appt. this week, before we head back up to Virginia for Thanksgiving. Carrington is also walking like a pro, and loving life! She is so cute when she walks, with her arms outstretched, trying to find her balance. I forgot how adorable this stage is. She is eating everything- she loves food, but her favorite is definitely peanut butter and jelly!
We are all looking forward to the coming weeks- it's going to be crazy but fun! Our total visitor count for Christmas is 13, so including our family of 4, we will have 17 people staying in the house!!!! I'm SO excited! :) Doug and I are looking forward to a mini-vacation in Mexico for our anniversary, and we are heading to Virginia this week. Like I said- lot's of fun coming up!