Halloween this year was so much fun! Since we had already been to a few Halloween parties, he totally understood what needed to be done: Wear his hat, look cute, say "trick or treat", and GET CANDY! There was no question about it, Trey was a pro!
We woke up that morning and put on our daytime Halloween clothes, for school. They were both tolerant of me taking pictures- Trey was in an especially loving mood towards Carrington. She, on the other hand, didn't really want Trey hugging and kissing all over her, but she had no choice. They looked adorable! Another piece of good news that day- when I picked Trey up from school, he got a sticker! This may not seem like a big deal to everyone, but Trey hasn't been very good at school lately, and I don't think he's come home with a sticker in weeks. So, YAY for being a good boy!!!!
After school, we headed to the doctor for Carrington's 1 year well check. Carrington had decided the night before (Oct. 30th) to walk for the first time. Up to that point, she hadn't been the least bit interested. As we were sitting on the couch watching Bridesmaids (I know, not the most kid-appropriate movie), I looked over at her playing at the toybox, and she picked up her sippy cup, stood up and walked over the couch! I KNEW she secretly knew how, and I was thrilled that Doug and I were both there to watch! Anyways, I was excited to show Dr. Lods her new skills at the appt. Carrington was great at the doctor's, and only cried for a few seconds during the shots, and she didn't cry at all when they did a blood sample and pricked her finger. Trey was much more concerned, and patted her head saying "Oh no- you need a bandaid!" Trey also got a sticker and a bandaid (the bandaid wasn't because he got a shot, it was only because he really likes bandaids) after they gave him the flu vaccine. I was surprised that the flu vaccine isn't a shot anymore, if you are 2 or older- it is nasal spray! Weird!
Carrington's stats at her 1 year checkup:
Weight- 18 pounds, 7 ounces: 11th percentile
Height- 29 inches: 48th percentile
Head- 45: 49th percentile
Trey, at this same age, his 1 year checkup:
Weight- 20 pounds, 6 ounces: 25th percentile
Height- 28 1/2 inches: 25th percentile
Head- 45 3/4: 40th percentile
Carrington is still quite a bit smaller than Trey was, but neither one of them are/were especially large!
When we got home, Carrington went down for a nice, long nap, and Trey got geared up for his big night of "getting candies". Of course- a toddler's dream! :) When Doug got home from work, we raced through dinner, and the kids headed upstairs to put on their costumes! Trey was a farmer, and ADORABLE, and Carrington was a cow- SO CUTE!!! Every farmer needs a trusty cow, right? They looked precious, and were all set! Doug got them loaded up in the wagon, I took pictures, and off they went. We decided that I would stay and hand out candy, while Doug went trick or treating. They were out for a solid 2 hours, and Doug said Trey loved every second of it! The only time Trey cried was when his trick or treat bag got too heavy and Doug would try to empty some of it out into Carrington's bag. I think Trey thought Carrington would steal all his treats! Carrington's poor little baby hands were freezing by the end, but they had a blast. Trey was so excited, that at a few doors, he would get candy and then try to go into people's homes to look for more, and Doug had to go after him! I told you- the kid loves getting candies! :)
It was a great night, and I'm pretty sure this holiday is one of Trey's favorites!
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