I have thought about catching up on our blogs for weeks, but I am just now sitting down to write. And I am mostly doing it now because Christmas is next weekend, and I don't want to be so far behind that I can't remember the difference between the two holidays! We went back up to Virginia for Thanksgiving, which the kids loved, but Doug and I felt completely worn out! We had already been in New York the week before, and we were going on vacation the week after Thanksgiving, so this was definitely a lot to handle, but we really thought it was worth it. Every year, my family goes out on the Dandy, on the Potomac River, to celebrate the holiday. And, every year, we get this silly picture taken in front of the boat. Surprisingly enough, most years this picture has actually turned out great! This year, not so much... It is the memory that counts, not what the actual picture looks like, and that is what I will keep telling myself! :)
When we got back from Virginia, we frantically started throwing up Christmas decorations. We did the best we could at the time, but the truth is, we didn't actually manage to get our real tree up until this past Monday! We had a super special surprise in the mail, though! While we have been scrambling to get ready for Christmas, Santa has also been putting in a few extra hours up in the North Pole to write letters to Trey and Carrington! He assured them that they have been good boys and girls, and that he will be making a visit to them real soon! :)LOVED getting this in the mail!
Doug and I spent a few days in Mexico, to celebrate our anniversary, and it was wonderful. We wouldn't and couldn't have changed anything to make this vacation any more perfect. The weather was amazing, the resort was unbelievable, the staff and room were to die for, it was really the best few days! The only downside is that we missed Trey and Carrington so much, I actually physically hurt. I wanted to call them all the time (but Doug wouldn't let me) and I was devastated when we couldn't get the Skype working (the WiFi in our room was spotty, at best). Luckily, Grandma was able to come and stay with the kids while we were gone, and we knew they were in good hands, but it didn't make being away from them any easier. Grandma spoiled them like crazy- going on toy trips to Target and Toys R Us, and taking them over to play with Uncle Adam, Aunt Shannon, and Allie. Trey was talking about Uncle Adam for days! :)
When we got back, I took Trey to get his hair cut. This is not unusual (we go once a month), but this time, the lady literally cut off ALL his hair! When we got there, she said to me, "a 4 and a 6, right?"- I have no idea what this means, so I respond by saying, "whatever is in the computer, whatever they always do is great!". Next thing I know, she took out her clippers and shaved his head! She saw the look on my face, and knew that this was NOT what we always do, and NOT what I had in mind, but at that point, it was just too late. I had to admit, it doesn't look too bad, but Trey looks like he is 5 years old, and I miss his little baby hair. But, it's only a haircut, and hair does grow back...
Ok, now to the milestones of today- Trey is IN LOVE with Dora the Explorer. This is a completely new thing for us. Up until this point, Trey's obsession has been exclusively Yo Gabba Gabba. Dora is new and he asks about it constantly, which is kind of nice, since it gives us a small break from Yo Gabba (although he still loves that too). I'm secretly excited about the new Yo Gabba Gabba episode coming on television this Sunday. Tori Spelling is going to be a guest, and I love her! Finally, Trey and I both are excited about a Yo Gabba Gabba show!
Carrington is 100% fully walking- no crawling pretty much at all. She is growing like a little weed, and I can tell that she is definitely getting taller! She cracks me up all the time- her sense of humor is hilarious! She loves playing hide and seek with Trey and her Daddy, and her favorite food of all is pasta. She is definitely like her Mama! :)
We have a great routine with school and Miss Jean's house- the kids are at preschool from 9am to 1pm on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and they go to Miss Jean's all day on Tuesday and Thursday. This routine is working out WONDERFUL for us, and I couldn't be more grateful for all the fantastic people in our lives! That's all I'm going to pack into this post! I have more to write about Trey's school Christmas program and more, but I'm going to go into those details later!
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