On January 29th, Carrington turned 15 months old. I could have sworn there was a 15 month doctor's appt., but apparently I was wrong :(. This definitely made me sad, because I was curious to see how she was "stacking up to the competition", but I guess we'll be waiting until the 18 month appointment to find out!
We went back to Virginia last weekend, to celebrate Grammy, Big Daddy, AND Nanijay's birthdays! We also got to spend some time with Rylee- which Trey ADORED!!! It was a lot of fun, and I especially enjoyed an entire day of shopping, "just the girls" on Saturday. It had been a long time since I've spent a full day of shopping, and I quickly remembered how much I love it.
Whenever we are at my mom's house, Trey sleeps in Big Daddy and NaniJay's room, in a toddler bed. Apparently on Saturday night, he woke up with a terrible ear ache, and just couldn't relax. Sure enough, by the time NaniJay came and woke up Doug at 7:30am, Trey was miserable. He spent the entire day sleeping- the whole morning while we packed, the entire trip back home, and the rest of the evening. I'm not kidding- I don't remember the last time Trey had this much sleep! First thing Monday, I called the ENT specialist and made an appt. Trey has now had 3 ear infections since Christmas, and with all his ear problems, and the tubes, I knew that we needed to get this figured out. When we got to the doctor, both of Trey's ears were draining puss (yes, this is gross, but it's the facts), and the doctor thought we should pull one of the tubes out (the one that hadn't really been in place since the last surgery). Trey completely freaked out- basically, they take what looks like a crochet needle and stick it down into the ear and "hook" the tube. It was terrible, and as soon as the tube came out, all the drainage and fluid came pouring out. The doctor asked if I wanted to have them suction the drainage out of both ears, but I felt like we had enough trauma for one day- and suctioning the drainage was only an immediate solution, and the drainage would keep on coming until the infection went away, so I chose to NOT take this path.
Luckily, Trey seemed to be in good spirits, and since ear infections aren't contagious, we continued on with our usual routine throughout the week. On Tuesday, the kids went to Jean's house, but Carrington wasn't really herself that night. We did go to preschool on Wed, but by Wed. afternoon, Carrington was running a fever and definitely not feeling well. Sure enough- that night, as Doug was trying to cuddle with her and calm her down, she got a funny little look on her face and promptly barfed ALL OVER DOUG. Yep, it was awesome. Doug- being the super dad that he is- stayed home with the kids on Thursday, and Carrington slept most of the day. By Friday morning, we attempted preschool again, and both kiddos are doing significantly better.
Now, to share one of our better parenting moments. There have been all sorts of Tylenol recalls lately, and Carrington is right on the border of being able to have Children's instead of Infant's Tylenol (I share this, to justify my insane overreaction, which you are about to read). Saturday night, as the kids were taking a bath, Doug grabbed the children's Tylenol and gave Carrington a full teaspoon! Not realizing Doug had done this, I got the kids out of the tub, and proceeded to give Carrington another teaspoon of Children's Tylenol about 10 minutes later. As Doug watched me do this, he decides to tell me that he had already given her medicine (thanks for sharing a second too late, Doug). I then went online to see if there were any serious side effects of too much medicine in someone that really should probably only be taking Infant's Tylenol. Well... I managed to freak myself out, and I was convinced that Carrington would have some sort of liver failure- did I mention that I've also been super sick all weekend, and slightly drugged up on all sorts of medicine, which tends to make me woozy and emotional, hence the huge overreaction. I called the CVS pharmacist, the on call nurse, and eventually they connected me to poison control. Turns out, Carrington was going to be just fine. In the lovely light of day, I realize that this was a ridiculous response, and I should have been far more level headed and known Carrington was probably just going to sleep extra well, and pain free, for the night- which she did :).
A new favorite toy in our lives is currently the bubble maker for the bathtub. Allie gave this to Carrington for Christmas, and the kids L-O-V-E it!!! Allie came over early on Friday, before school, and saw the bubble maker in the bathroom, and she got so excited, which brought on an impromptu bubble party before we left for preschool. :) Wish I had my camera and taken some pictures, but I didn't. Definitely next time!
I'm sitting here in bed, again, fully Sudafed-ed up, watching the Super Bowl and blogging. Not the most glamorous of nights, and I'm sad we didn't make it to any Super Bowl parties (although I was relieved to see that my neighbor had to cancel hers, since their family got so sick, too). I'm looking forward to a healthy week- keep your fingers crossed!!!!
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