Well, it's 2013, and we've been busy! I should backtrack a little bit and cover New Year's Eve. Things were pretty predictable, we did our usual celebration with the Smith Family- always a blast, and then we came home and rang in the New Year with Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn. This year, Carrington was lucky enough to actually be awake and alert in her NYE picture with her Aunt Kristyn! :) We spent the day going to the movies and Carrington had her first "movie theater" experience watching Monsters Inc in 3D. I would say she was only marginally interested in the movie, and since we were one of the only people in the entire theater, it was easy for Carrington and Trey to both get up, walk around, and be a little wild. 2013 has also brought a few "milestones" for the us! We all got bikes for Christmas, and it's been fun getting to spend the weekends as a family riding our new bikes. Carrington has also started using the potty regularly and actually went poo-poo on the potty for the first time just before Christmas. I'm not actively potty training her (mostly because I just don't really want to), but she always tells us when she needs to go, and we take her to the bathroom 3 or 4 times a day, so we're starting a little bit! Carrington has also been slow in talking, but she said her first full sentence to me the other day- she looked right at me and said "I Love Mommy". It was so sweet!!!! I love that girl!

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