After getting back from Wilmington last week, we've been busy, busy, busy! We went to Boston for the weekend for a wedding, which was beautiful, and Trey was such a good boy. He hung out with all of us through the entire party (ceremony and reception) and did amazing on the plane to Boston and home to Charlotte. We were so nervous, since we haven't flown with Trey since he's been walking, but he was such a trooper and didn't give us a hard time at all!
We started off our Monday meeting Aunt Shannon and cousin Allie at Jetton Park for a little bit of exercise and playtime. Trey is becoming quite the little daredevil and attempted on several occasions to walk off the top of the playset, even though nobody was there to catch him and it would have been a tough 5 foot drop!
On Wednesday we drove down for a playdate and lunch with cousin Becky and Evan! Those boys are so funny! Trey doesn't really appreciate Evan's love of pulling hair, but once Becky pulled out the animal crackers and played a fun game of peek-a-boo, the boys were best friends.
Thursday brough the last day of school for Trey- he is going to start "summer camp" in a few weeks, and Ms. Amy will be his teacher again, at least until August, so we'll get to see her again soon!
On Friday, we went to Henry's 1st Birthday Party! All of Trey's buddies were there, and he had a great time! Henry is moving away next week, and we'll miss him a lot, so it was nice to have one final playdate before he leaves.
Saturday was the first day of the pool being open here in our neighborhood! We were so excited to go on opening day, but Trey had other plans and took a monster nap (over 3 hours), so we got there a little bit late, but still had a wonderful time. We are so blessed that Trey loves the water so much!
Whew!!! We had a lot going on this week! Even though it was jam packed with activities, it felt good to be out and about again. I've been so tired lately, that Trey has really missed out on having a good time with his little friends.