After coming back from the beach, we've been super busy! Trey caught a small cold after we returned- probably from spending hours and hours at the beach in wet, cold sand! Luckily we are past all sickness and had a wonderful Mother's Day. Doug announced on Monday night that I was going to get a special surprise every day, since I deserve a Mother's Day week, instead of just one day... I couldn't agree more! :) Trey and Daddy gave me special dinners, special presents, my favorite flowers (in the form of a beautiful hydrangea tree), a Family Day at the zoo, and then Mother's Day brunch at my favorite restaurant!
The zoo was a huge hit for Trey- we got to pet giraffes, cows, horses, turtles, bunnies, we rode a Choo Choo train, and walked through the aquarium and admired all the fishies. All in all, it was a fabulous day!
Trey's class pictures came back this week too. I didn't even know they had class pictures, and when I saw it, it cracked me up. Trey looks seriously pissed- probably because ANOTHER person has a camera in his face. Get used to it, bud! :) His classmates in the picture are: Davis, Mackenzie, Trey, and Owen. 3 boys against 1 girl- not good odds, as far as I'm concerned!
Trey's accomplishments include talking ALL the time- I am 100% certain he is doing everything in his power to find his words. He is also pointing to any and every thing, and it is my new "job" to try and figure out what the heck he is interested in! He also has a signature song that he hums whenever he gets tired. It's so funny, we didn't realize that it was actually the same tune until just recently... maybe Trey is a musical genius! Trey is also very sneaky when it comes to his shoes, and I live in constant fear that we will permanently lose a shoe, and that will make me very, very angry- kid shoes are NOT cheap! Trey's teacher, Miss Amy, said she spent an entire hour searching for one of his sneakers this week, only to discover it in a bin of blocks inside of the closet. I feel her frustration! I found the remote control this week in the drawer where we keep our cutting boards- I didn't even know he could reach that drawer! What a sneaky little boy we have!
What a wonderful mothers day week!