Today when I went to pick up Trey, Miss Amy informed me that Trey has been hugging and wanting to sit on little McKenzie's lap all week. I knew it was just a matter of time! This past weekend, we visited Wilmington with Aunt Melissa, Uncle Brian and Rylee, and Trey LOVED Rylee. I've never seen him be so... well, loving, with another child! He didn't particularly want to share his toys with her, although he did occasionally hand her a piece of his food, or his shovel, but he loved "pat-patting" her head and arm, giving her "huggies" and basically sitting on her! I am so proud that he is not exhibiting any early signs of being a bully :).
Trey is also saying words "on command" FINALLY!!!! For months and months, we would say things like, "Trey, can you say Mama?" or "Can you say Kitty?" and this week, in the car one morning, I asked him to say "Mama" and he looked right at me and said it! Of course, I thought it was probably a fluke, so immediately followed that up with, "Can you say Dada?" and he did!!!! Again- not completely believing he was getting it, we practiced a few of our basics: "Trey can you do your clap-claps?" Yep, he could, and "Can you wave your bye-byes", again, success!!!! He is gabbing like crazy all the time now, and I'm actually starting to hear words in the garble, which has been so fun.
He is a climbing maniac and I am secretly terrified of a concussion one of these days, but he gets so much joy from climbing on everything that I try not to say no too often. We are still playing the most annoying game of Trey hiding everything and me finding our belongings in crazy locations, like the Diaper Genie (gross!)- and I'm not even sure how he managed to get that open- and my chapstick inside of his shoe (this was located after about 2 minutes of me trying to force his shoe on his foot)! It makes me smile, but I know that he will eventually hide something critical, like the keys, and I'll completely lose my mind.
This weekend we are heading to Boston for a wedding, and I am thinking positive, happy thoughts that Trey will not have a meltdown on the plane!
I love Trey's face in the last picture, what a little punk!