I am just now sitting down to write about the 4th of July holiday weekend! It's been so busy around here... Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn came to visit for the weekend, we were also joined by Brian May and his wife Jess on Sunday, and then NaniJay and Big Daddy came to spend the week with us this past Monday! It feels like it has been non-stop, and Trey was such a trooper through all of it!
Our 4th of July was a ton of fun, as always! We hosted the neighborhood block party, and our good friends Ed and Melissa were able to rent a bounce houe (HUGE hit with the older kiddos), and we had cornhole, grilling, and fireworks. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Trey spent the majority of the party mingling with the guests and playing with other kids toys! The only downside to any of this was the lack of sleep from having company staying up far past all of our bedtimes, and Trey has been getting in molars that almost made me cry for all the havoc they have brought!
I knew Trey had been teething for a few days (nothing new here, he has a mouth full of teeth), so when he started chewing on his fingers and not sleeping too well at night, I wasn't all that surprised. By Saturday (July 3rd), the teeth had brought on a VERY upset stomach, which led to the most severe case of diaper rash I have ever seen. My Sunday, Trey could barely stand to have his diaper changed, and by Monday afternoon, there were open sores and bleeding. Our pediatrician was amazing, and prescribed a FABULOUS cream, but it has taken almost a full week to get this under control! Luckily, through all of this pain, Trey only had one really bad nights sleep, and he has been in a great mood (as long as we don't have to change that diaper!).
Trey's big accomplishments are that he now knows, without a doubt, where his "head", "nose", "belly" and "tootsies" are and can point to each one respectively. He does a very silly imitation of 'what the doggy says'- which looks more like a jump, and doesn't sound anything like a "ruff". He also knows what the kitty cat says, and can say NO with the very best of them! When he wants something, his new sound is "Na-na-na-na", while holding out his hands and begging. I find this a little annoying, but I know this is his way of communicating and soon he will have real words.
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