In the last 2 weeks, Trey has discovered that he can act out in the form of a temper tantrum, and Doug and I were completely unprepared! The first time he did it, Doug had told him "no" and Trey got so upset that he threw himself down on the floor and banged his head on the carpet 3 times. We were shocked, and did absolutely nothing, since we had no earthly idea what to do! The logic of banging your own head against the floor because you are angry seemed so stupid! Luckily, there has not been a repeat of this crazy act, but instead Trey has resorted to sceaming, crying, the occasional hitting, and all around ugliness. We decided that spanking Trey with our hand to discipline his hitting was probably counter productive, so off I went to HomeGoods to purchase a paddle- or in this case, a wooden spatula. We've only used it once, but I have very high hopes for its usefulness! :)
We've had a busy few weeks- once we got past the 4th of July holiday, and some extra company, we added a new project to the household and bought a new swingset for Trey! This has been one of the greatest things we have ever done!!!! He loves everything about it- climbing, sliding, swinging, jumping... there is nothing he won't do and it provides hours of entertainment. The only downside is that it is at least 95 to 100 degrees outside every day, and I feel like I'm dying out there playing with him! :) We've also been busy going to Eliza's 1st birthday party, where Trey did his first public temper tantrum (that was GREAT) because he wasn't allowed to stick his hand in their dog's crate (the poor dog is blind and deaf, and Trey was scaring the tar out of him!). We've also had a few playdates with some other neighborhood friends, including cousin Allie! :) AND- we got to visit Big Daddy, NaniJay, Grammy and Papa in Virginia this past weekend, plus go to Madison's 3rd birthday party! SO FUN!!!!
Trey's summer camp at Memorial Preschool is almost over (August 12th) and then he'll get some more quality time with NaniJay until the fall school session starts again. I can't believe how quickly he is growing and learning! The first 9-12 months are filled with milestones like rolling, crawling, walking, clapping, and doing all of these amazing things. But now I'm amazed on almost an hourly basis! The things he is beginning to understand and SAY are so exciting! This morning I went to get him out of his crib and he looked at me and said "Mama, muwah (his sound for kisses)", and reached his hands up. When I picked him up, he took my face in his hands and gave me a big kiss... it was so precious I almost cried. He wants to "help" do everything- fold clothes, put trash in the trash can (and pretty much anything else in the trashcan), unload the dishwasher, the list goes on and on. And his vocabulary is getting bigger by the day. His full list of sounds, so far, is Doggy, Kitty Kat, Cow, Horsey, Snake, and Birdie. He knows where almost all of his basic body parts are, and he can say "Hot" and "Brrr" (obviously for cold). He also makes a crazy sound for household items like the lawn mower, vacuum cleaner, and drill.
That's all I can remember so far, but I'm sure we'll have more to update in the next few weeks! :)
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