We've had a busy week, starting with a visit to the firestation with all of our friends and their Mama's! It was SO much fun!!! Trey was allowed to run around the firestation, climb up and into the firetrucks, touch everything, and I never had to tell him "no-no"... it was quite a treat for both of us! He had a blast and it made for such a fun day!
Trey also had a busy week at school where he made construction paper pigs, colored pig pictures and did piggy finger painting. Notice a theme??? Summer camp will be finished next week, and then we will be anxiously awaiting school to start in September! That will bring on changes, like a new teacher, in a new room, with new faces! I'm going to miss his teacher Miss Amy like CRAZY, but I'm slightly comforted by the fact that Carrington will have her as a teacher next year :).
In keeping with the farm theme at school, and add that to the fact that Trey has been playing with his toy farm at home every chance he gets, we have continued to learn our farm animal sounds. I will be the first to admit that there are some animals I simply don't know the sounds to, and for those animals, we skip sounds. Trey hands me the farm goat all the time, and I have no clue what a goat actually sounds like... I think it would say "Baaaa", but we've already attached that sound to the sheep, so I give up! Trey LOVES yelling out "Baaaaa" and chasing Molly around with the sheep- it's hilarious to watch and I keep meaning to catch it on video.
On a more sad note, the road in front of our neighborhood has a rooster that wanders around, and whenever we pass the rooster, I point to it and say to Trey, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!!!" This week, as I was driving down the road, I saw what I assumed was a dead animal in the street and attempted to (sort of) miss running over it. Well, at the last minute, the animal lifted it's head up to try and get out of the way, and I realized (too late, I might add) that it was our friendly neighborhood rooster. In my defense, it had already been run over, but I most certainly put him out of his misery. I felt terrible and had to pull over and calm down. I was also sad about ever pointing him out to Trey and practicing our rooster sounds. :(
Trey has been teething and waking up sporadically in the middle of the night- he usually is only up for 10 or 15 minutes, and Doug and I don't go in to soothe him, since Trey needs to know that he can put himself back to sleep. The upside to this teething is that although he isn't sleeping completely through the night, he IS sleeping in every day until at least 7:30am, and many times past 8am. This has been wonderful, and I hope he keeps up the good work!
Friday morning, I took Trey (without Daddy) to go get a haircut! I was a little bit anxious about doing this alone, but it turns out I had nothing to worry about at all, and Trey did awesome!!! He looks so handsome, and every time I get his hair cut, he looks more and more like a little man, and less like my baby. This devastates me and makes me so happy all at once!
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