This week brought Valentine's Day, Carrington's first day of school, and beautiful weather! I loved all of these things- even Carrington starting at Memorial Preschool. The staff is so wonderful there, and I am forever grateful to Sarah for the recommendation. She was so cute on her first day and did fantastic.
I was at dinner last night with one of my girlfriends and we were talking about how wonderful life is right now, with both of our new babies and their big brothers, and I was trying to tell her how much more I am relishing Carrington as a baby. It's so hard for me to put into words, but I'm going to try...
Trey and Carrington are night and day different. Trey loved to be held, cuddled, would have gladly slept with us all night long, and is still very much this exact same way. He is my snuggle bug, and I love that about him! Carrington on the other hand, is Miss Independent. When she's tired, she wants to be wrapped and laid down, when she is awake, she wants to be sitting up (or really standing up), looking around, and being a "part" of everything! I'm not sure she has ever REALLY cuddled with me. For this reason alone, I'm really trying to hold on to her baby moments and not rush onto the next stage.
I think what really sparked this thought process was the email I received this week that said: "Is your baby ready for solids?". Again, things are so different then they were with Trey. At this same stage with Trey, I couldn't wait to start solid foods, to have him sit with us at dinner in his high chair, for him to hold his own bottle, for him to sit by himself- the list goes on and on. We spent countless hours encouraging him to sit, and then crawl, and then walk. With Carrington, I am desperate for time to stand still- I DON'T want to start solids, I don't want her to sit by herself (ok, maybe that one a little bit), but I don't want her to crawl, walk, or be a big girl at all! Maybe because her personality is so much less "babyish" then Trey's was, or maybe I'm just more aware of how quickly time really does fly by, and it scares me to death! Either way, I want to appreciate the moment instead of constantly looking forward to the next stage she is supposedly supposed to be starting. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to hold her back, but I don't want to fast forward either.
I hope you are all going to enjoy this GORGEOUS weekend! We spent the week meeting Doug for lunch at a park near his job on Valentine's Day, and then he was out of town for training for a few days, but he's back now, and our big plans for the weekend include visiting with Grammy, Papa, Big Daddy and Nanijay, and visiting the Biltmore! I can't wait!!!!