Carrington is such a delight! I say it all the time, but she gives her smiles away. When I think back to how ridiculous Doug and I would have to be to get Trey to smile, I cringe. Carrington smiles the second you pay her any attention at all, and I love it! And she sleeps with a big smile on her face all the time!
Her big accomplishments are rolling, which she's been doing for several weeks now, but we still haven't mastered rolling from belly to back- she tries for a few minutes, and then gets pissed and starts screaming. I can't blame her, but I know she needs to learn on her own. We still haven't moved her into her big girl crib in her own room. We will officially move her over at the end of the month (when she is 4 months old). She is a fantastic sleeper, but she is still occasionally waking up in the middle of the night, and at 4 months we will "sleep train" her to put herself back to sleep. I have no doubt whatsoever that she will completely get the hang of it with no problem at all, and the fact is that she is probably ready now, but I remember Dr. Lods telling me that babies should not be forced to cry it out until 4 months, and I don't want to permanently damage her by possibly making her cry it out before then! :) I know, it's silly, but it's the way I feel!
Up until now, Carrington has been going to work with me, but this was her last week! Starting this Tuesday, she is going to be attending Memorial Preschool with Trey on Tuesdays and Thursdays! I'm super excited, since she is awake a lot more often now, and it's starting to get tough having her in the office with me. I love having her there, but I get anxious when she starts getting fussy, and I hate that!
She is cooing like crazy, and has conversations with us now!!! It is adorable and makes my heart melt to listen to her. She also belly laughs when I rub my nose against hers. Hilarious! She is fascinated by her hands, and spends hours staring at them and putting them in her mouth, only to pull them back out and look shocked that her hands are in front of her again! She also loves to stand, so she has been spending her mornings in the jumper in our bedroom. She isn't quite bouncing yet, but she loves the independence and the ability to stand all by herself.
I think that sums up Carrington's world right now. I'll post pictures of her first day at school this week!!!!
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