Well... I think I can officially say that this is the last time I will get to refer to Trey's age in terms of months. Next month, he will be turning 2 years old, and from that point forward, his age will be counted in years and not months. Is it crazy to say that this makes me want to cry? What happened to my baby boy???? I want to hault everything and just spend time in the NOW!!!!
He is so independent, and he tries desperately to do everything on his own. My mom always tells the story of when I was a little girl, and I went into the refrigerator all by myself to get my own juice, and I spilled it everywhere. This is Trey every day. Twice this week I looked over our 2nd floor railing to discover that the front door deadbolt has been unlocked and Trey is wandering around outside- always with a purpose. Usually he is looking for our kitty cats, and he is doing this because he watches Doug do this every night, and he is only doing what his Dada does. He will go into our freezer and pull out frozen waffles to make his own breakfast, he climbs on top of the counters (after pushing chairs over and climbing up) to get his sippy cups,... This weekend, we finally had to go to Home Depot and buy the bronze latches that bolt at the top of doors! I will feel a thousand times better knowing that wherever Trey is, at least he is in the home! :)
Like I said, Trey spends so much time trying to "help". Earlier this week, I had to go to the bathroom (and chose to not bring both kids with me), so I laid Carrington on a blanket on the floor, put some Veggie sticks on Trey's table for a snack, and quickly tried to race to the bathroom- seriously, I only needed about 30 seconds! In that 30 seconds, Trey was quiet for a few moments and then joined me. As he walked in he says "Thank You", with a big smile on his face. What does this mean???? I am panicked and run into the family room to discover Carrington with 3 little Veggie Sticks hanging out of her mouth! Apparently Trey felt like sharing!!! YIKES!!!! Thank GOD that nothing terrible has happened to my children, because I fail as a mother every day! :)
I've mentioned this before, but Doug and I really messed up with Trey and the entire bedtime routine. As a baby, and now as a toddler, Trey has always fallen asleep in our bedroom, on our bed, and then we move him to his crib (after he is asleep). This was getting really old, and we decided to make the switch to laying Trey down, still awake, and he needs to put himself to sleep. I really thought this was going to be terrible! Night #1, Doug took Trey into his own room, read him one book, and put him in his crib. I was shocked to discover that Trey only cried for about 5 minutes, and then laid right down and went to sleep!!! Every night since then, he has cried less and less, and now the most he cries is maybe 10 seconds!!! If I had known it was going to be this easy, I would have done it long before now! I sort of thought that Doug and I started off with the bad habit, so we were stuck with it! I am thrilled to find out that I was wrong! And I honestly didn't give Trey enough credit to be able to do it. He is more than capable of figuring out how to go to bed on his own- Lord knows, he does everything else by himself!!!!
Trey's current favorite word is "Lillow", which is what he calls his Yo Gabba sleeping bag. I couldn't figure out what this meant, but it finally occurred to me that he is saying PILLOW, since the sleeping bag has a little pillow attached to the top! It makes perfect sense now, and I don't know why I didn't get it right away! :)
Our other activities this week included taking our make-up family and sibling photographs, and we spent a fantastic afternoon at Discovery Place Kids. The best time of day to go is at 3pm, when everyone else is home with their kids taking naps and the place is empty! We had free reign of the entire museum, and it was awesome!
We are looking forwad to Valentine's Day this week, and our class Valentine's are super cute! We are also excited about NaniJay, Big Daddy, Grammy and Papa coming to visit this weekend! Yay!!!!
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