Carrington is now 25 weeks old! A few fun things have happened in the last 2 weeks. The first is that her "goopy eye"- which is her clogged tear duct, has completely cleared up! It literally got better over night! The doctor assured us that she would grow out of it before she turned 1, but I did't know that it would clear so suddenly!
We've also been practicing with Carrington on sitting by herself. Her 6 month pictures are coming up, and I'de really like her to be sitting on her own like a big girl, if at all possible. We'll see! She is definitely close! She sits for a few moments at a time, but I still wouldn't leave her sitting by herself in the middle of a room and walk away :).
She's also added peas to her diet, so her food variety consists of banana, sweet potato, pear, and peas...mmmmm... We even gave her some water this week, since the weather has been a little warm, we thought it was good timing.
Our lives are about to change a little bit. Trey and Carrington have been going to Memorial Preschool, and I adore everything about the school, except the hours. I need to be working a little bit more (2 full days is ideal), and since the school's hours and closings are so limited, we've had to explore other options. After calling MANY daycares, and interviewing several nannies, we've decided to hire a Nanny in our home for 2 full days each week. The new Nanny is great, and she was my first choice on paper, and I loved her even more when I met her in person. Memorial Preschool has agreed to let Trey and Carrington continue to go on Wed, so that they get to see all their friends, and I can get a little bit of a break during the week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will work out!
Fun events this past week included an Easter Egg hunt at the Landmans! We are a little sad since this will be the first year we haven't spent Easter Day with the Landman Family since we moved to Charlotte, but we are excited that they are getting to visit their new nephew/ cousin down in Charleston!
I took Trey and Carrington to see the Easter Bunny today all by myself. Doug wanted to come with us, but work ended up being crazy, and he couldn't leave as early as he wanted. It started off promising, with Trey watching the Easter Bunny from afar, waving and smiling at him, and talking about all the flowers. But, as all things with Trey do, the very second we started making our way towards the bunny to sit on his lap and get our picture, Trey freaked out and started screaming "No, No"!!!! So, being the good Mommy that I am, I joined the picture, just to keep Trey from freaking out and scaring all the other kiddos in line. Carrington, on the other hand, loved the Easter Bunny. That girl loves everything!
This weekend is full of birthday parties and Easter events with our friends, and we are super excited! This week will also be the first time with our new Nanny, so keep us in your thoughts and prayers! :)
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