This past Wed, we decided to go down and visit Becky, Evan, and new cousin Drew!!! The morning started out OK- not great- but we've had worse. I forgot Evan's birthday gift and had to turn around, I forgot Carrington's bottle and also had to turn around. Trey threw a minor fit because we weren't taking Molly, and I ran over Trey's new ball in the driveway, but all in all, not too bad :). We finally get on the road and arrive only 25 minutes late. I'm still feeling pretty good! Trey has fallen asleep in the car, so I have to wake him up, which means he is not his most friendly self. It only takes about 10 minutes to fully warm up, so again, we're doing alright! Meanwhile- Carrington is happy as a clam playing on the floor and rolling around!
Trey and Evan start playing, sharing a little bit, sometimes "stealing" toys, but in the large scheme of things, these boys play very well together. Drew, on the other hand, has a plan of his own and wants to be FED. He is a growing boy after all! :) Trey and Evan take advantage of the lack of attention and get into the drawer of spoons, wine bottle openers and wine bottle stoppers. Don't worry, what can they really hurt, right? Well... a little bit of broken glass and a sharp corkscrew is no match for Evan! He's independent when Mommy isn't looking! It really wasn't bad at all, and the boys were having a blast. Still happily playing and rolling on the floor is Carrington. After a quick lunch and a little bit more playtime (in between Trey spilling his bowl of Chex Mix and partially eaten string cheese on the floor), we head home. Upon leaving, Evan decided that was a good time to start stripping and off went his pants! I'm pretty sure Becky was breathing a sigh of relief when we loaded up and pulled out of her driveway!
Needless to say, Becky and I did take a quick second to be nostalgic of the days when we "playdated" and "lunchdated" while the boys slept peacefully in their carseat carriers. :) Those days are LONG gone...
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