We decided late Friday night to head to the Mountains for the holiday weekend, so we woke up early Saturday morning, called the resort, packed and got on the road- all before 9:30am!!! We stayed at Rumbling Bald Resort- a gorgeous resort on Lake Lure, in the mountains, in a beautiful mountain home called Boulder Lodge. We truly had the best of all worlds- the gorgeous mountain scenery, the luxury of a resort, and the beauty of the lake, all in one place. Rumbling Bald Resort had everything we needed- boats, fishing, a beach, restaurants, putt-putt, indoor and outdoor pools, playgrounds, tennis, volleyball, horseshoes, croquet, tons of private oudoor pavilions, a spa,... the list goes on and on- it was PERFECT for our family! I hated packing up and leaving to come home. We spent our days at the beach, and got to enjoy the wonderful restaurants at night. The house we stayed in was fabulous, and the kids AND Molly had a blast. We even got to see a bobcat and a skunk- in real life- right at our house! I know, wild animals are not too exciting, but it actually was really cool.
Carrington really got into clapping this weekend, and now claps for everything! Other big news- she said Mama!!! She just figured out her "Mmmmm" sound, so that is super fun for me! Trey was a great big brother, constantly letting us know when Carrington was crying (like we couldn't tell from her wails) and telling us each morning that Carrington was ready to wake up (we had to politely remind him that we DON'T wake the baby).
We were spoiled for a few days, and now we are back to the reality of life and preparing for our first day of preschool tomorrow. The kids have their new clothes (it isn't a first day of school without new clothes, right?) and the lunches are packed and ready. I have to admit, August was tough on the childcare and I am looking forward to the routine of September!
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