I hate that I let so much time go between each post, and I think of things I want to write constantly, but never actually sit down and do it!
A few weeks ago, we went to Carolina Beach for a few days, and the trip was actually so wonderful that we stayed an extra day. The weather was a little chilly, but it actually ended up being perfect, since we never got cold out on the beach, and we were able to spend the entire day just relaxing. We even spent one morning at the Aquarium, and we got to have breakfast with Grandpop, Doug's grandpa, and the kids great-grandpa. Trey loves his Grandpop, and any time he sees an older man, he points and shouts "Pop Pop"! Doug and I were able to sneak away for a date night, while Grandma and Aunt Nancy watched the kids, so all in all, vacation was a complete success!
We got home from vacation and Carrington started teething, which then created a low fever, a runny nose, diarrhea, and the worst part of all: a God-awful, terrible, raw and bleeding diaper rash. I felt horrible for her, and all the cream in the world just didn't seem to make it better. One night she was in so much pain, I even started crying and Doug had to take over the diaper changing, since I just couldn't handle it. Watching your baby be so miserable, and not being able to do anything about it, is the worst possible place to be. There is a slightly comical part to this story, though. I called the doctor begging for some solution, and she had me create my own diaper cream. For you moms out there, take note- this actually managed to clear up the worst rash I have ever seen in my life. I mixed Aquaphor lotion (it's a super thick, water based lotion) and liquid Mylanta (yes, you read that right). It created a white paste the stayed in place regardless of what the diaper got filled with. It was awesome, so between my homemade diaper rash cream, warm baths in baking soda, and wiping her with warm soap and Cetaphil, we managed to get relieve her poor little bottom :(.
What else have we been up to??? Well, Trey and Carrington have been going to the preschool 4 days a week in September, but starting next week, Amanda comes back (Yay!!!!) and we will get into a more normal routine (and it will be a LOT easier on me). We had an awesome playdate with Liz and Olivia this past Monday- and I definitely had even more fun than the kids. I don't think we've playdated in months, and it was great catching up with one of my favorite Mommas!
Carrington turned 11 months old yesterday- I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she will be 1 in just a month!!!! My baby girl is actually a big girl! She is standing on her own, and considering that first step, but she hasn't actually taken the step initiative yet. We'll see! I predict it will come anytime now!
October is already looking busy, but I love it! We have a ton of birthday party fun coming up, Uncle Brian and friends are coming down for a "guys weekend"... not exactly sure what that entails, and we are also looking forward to a visit from Grammy, Papa, Big Daddy, and Nanijay. I'm hoping Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn will make it down that weekend too!!! I miss Aunt Kristyn a LOT! :)
Lastly, it looks like Doug and I are going to make a trip to New York, with 2 kids- 2 and under, on a plane!!!! I'm not sure if we are crazy, brave, or practical, but I'm pretty sure it will be quite an adventure.
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