We spent the day at Patterson Farms, and every time we go there, I fall more in more in love with farm life! Not in the way that would make me want to have a farm, or live on a farm, but definitely in a "I want to go every weekend from now until they close to the public" kind of way. It is amazing- the petting zoo animals are wonderful and well-behaved, the playgrounds are so much fun, the hayrides are the perfect length, the pumpkin picking is awesome, the pig races are hilarious, the ice cream and kettle corn make it feel like fall,... I could literally go on and on! It was so much fun, and definitely the perfect way to spend our Saturday.
Trey is in an odd picture taking phase- every time I go to take his picture, he screams "FUNNY FACE", and proceeds to make his version of a funny face- see above. I'm sure this phase will pass, but it makes for some odd pictures in the meantime.
Carrington is 2 weeks away from being 1!!! I still can't believe it! I'm super excited for her birthday- we aren't doing anything big and flashy, actually we are only going to do a family party, but I don't want her to feel slighted 16 years from now, because Trey had 2 big, huge 1 year birthday parties, so I've got something special planned- just for her. :)
She isn't walking yet, and every day I wonder if she actually will walk by her birthday- I guess we will wait and see! This past week we decided to switch her over almost exclusively to table food, and she is doing awesome. Trey hated baby food and was definitely a table food kind of guy, but Carrington has always been a great eater, and she loves her baby food jars! I had nothing to worry about- Carrington doesn't care what form the food is in, as long as she is fed!
I'm looking forward to the next few weekends! Birthday parties, family visiting, Carrington's birthday, and Halloween!
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