I just went back and realized that I haven't posted an update since Valentine's Day! We've had a bunch of fun, and a pretty bad stretch of being sick, since then, so I'm going to try and remember all that has happened.
The best news of all is that Trey is 100%, completely potty trained! This isn't just days, but it is days, naptimes, and nights! Woohoo!!! About a month ago, I was driving home from work, talking on the phone to my BF, Angela, and she was telling me how her daughter Emma just decided one day to not wear her pullup anymore, and that was it. Trey and I had already been having the "fight" about wearing the pullup at night, but so far, I had still been winning. Well, that night, Trey and I had our usual argument about putting the pullup on to go to bed, but I forced it, and the next morning when I went into his room to wake him up, I saw the pullup laying on the floor by the door. I immediately panicked, ran over to the bed to wake him up, and saw that he was completely dry!!! I couldn't believe it, and we haven't looked back since! He's been awesome, and once again, it was probably me holding him back from being a total "big boy". :) The funniest part was that Jean had been telling me for a few weeks before that, that Trey was staying dry during his naps, but I still wasn't willing to take the risk. It turns out that EVERYONE knew better than me.
Trey and I also had a "date night", just the two of us, and I took him to see his very first movie in the theater- The Lorax! We got to the movies and bought popcorn, a smoothie, and big box of M&M's- Trey was in heaven! He did great through the entire movie, although he didn't recognize any of the characters, so he kept wanting to ask questions (and he has NO concept of a whisper voice in the theater), but we had a lot of fun. I NEVER get to do things with just Trey and myself, so it felt extra special for me. Afterwards we went to TCBY and got another treat before heading home (yes, he was completely spoiled with junk food that afternoon!).
That same weekend, Carrington got a super nasty stomach virus and was throwing up for 4 straight days. I have never seen anything that bad, for that long, and the worst part was that since she is so young, there really isn't any medication they could give her, so we just had to suffer through it and made sure she stayed hydrated. I was exhausted, but she is doing a hundred times better now!
On another frustrating note, Trey went back to the ENT for his ears, and we had a preliminary hearing test done. Unfortunately, the news was not good- Trey had a flat response in his left ear (which is virtually no hearing), and a negative response in his right ear (which is the equivalent of how your ear feels when it needs to pop). The end result is that we will be doing a third surgery and have a more agressive type of tube put into his ears, and then revisit the hearing specialist in a few weeks... This has been a difficult issue for us, and Trey, and I'm hoping that he will outgrow the ear infections, but in the meantime, we are going to have to be diligent about his speech and hearing needs. Doug and I will also probably be speaking to another surgeon, for a second opinion, and the possibility of some other options.
We also had a visit from Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn a few weeks ago! The kids LOVE it when their aunt and uncle are here, and we are looking forward to them coming back down again next weekend!
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