I'll keep this one short and sweet! Carrington is a wonderful baby! She is a fantastic sleeper, she is a great eater, and so far, she never cries! I find this all so hard to believe since Trey was not a great sleeper- he was ALWAYS awake, ALWAYS wanted to be held, and was much more of a "snacker" than he was an "eater". Carrington had her 2 week doctor's appt. and here are her first "stats" since coming out of the hospital:
Weight: 7 pounds, 15 ounces (she was 7 pounds, 8 ounces at her newborn appt.)- this is the 60th percentile
Height: 20 and 3/4"- 93rd percentile
Head Circumference: 35.25- 60th percentile
Trey is also a great big brother- he wants to pat her all the time, and the first thing he says every morning when I got to get him is "baby?". We even let him hold her this week, which he loved! I know this is extra cheesy, but I feel like I am the happiest I have EVER been!
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