Let's re-cap Trey for the week... I have such a soft spot for him, despite the fact that he is constantly naughty- maybe naughty isn't the right word, although I am at a loss for what else it may be! :) He has decided to unbuckle his carseat while we are driving, which makes me SO angry and scared, but all 3 times it has happened, he had a reason- NOT a good one, and we were VERY stern with him on the reasons he can't do this, but the first time he did it, he was trying to pick up Carrington's sippy cup, because "Baby Sweetheart is thirsty". The second time was when we were driving to school with Allie, and he was SO excited that she was in the car with him, he wanted to share his books with her "Allie needs my truck book" is what he kept telling me. And then yesterday, he couldn't reach the birthday present (in the very back), and he "needed the present for the birthday". Now I understand the importance of child safety locks in cars, and I would love to know what other parent's are doing to keep their kids from unbuckling themselves!
He wants to do everything himself, and that means I am saying NO all the time. He wants to pour his own juice, get his own water from the dispenser, climb up the pantry shelves to get cereal, and most of the time, when I say no, he looks at me and says "Please, 'Mam, can I do it?" How can I say no to that politeness????
He also begs me to come lay in his bed and read books every night, which I don't always want to do, but I have to remind myself that one day he won't want me by his side all the time, and I need to cherish these moments. Last night, after Trey had fallen asleep, Doug said he missed him and went and laid next to him for a few minutes just to "hang out". I totally understood what Doug was talking about, because I feel the same way sometimes! :)
Trey is the exact opposite of everything Carrington is- he is a terrible eater, a terrible sleeper (we have to lock him in his room every night, and put a towel under the door, so he can't see out the bottom of the door and cry into the hallway in the middle of the night- this tactic has worked, because after crying for a few minutes, he will now put himself back to bed), and still cries when I leave him anywhere. BUT... the flip side of that, is that I know how much he loves us, and constantly wants to just be with us.
I've complained that Trey doesn't call me "Mama" anymore and instead calls me "Mommy" or even "Mom"- much to my dismay! For whatever reason, he has started calling me "Mama" again, and it has been the best gift I could ever ask for! I know it will one day be gone, so I'm really loving it right now!
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