This year we all wanted to make Christmas extra special for Grammy and Papa, so almost the ENTIRE Logan family came down to Charlotte to be together. Uncle Robert, Aunt Andrea, Rob, Bonnie, Grammy, Papa, Big Daddy, NaniJay, Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristyn all came down to celebrate, and although it was crowded, we all had a wonderful time.
A few of my personal favorite moments were watching Uncle Robert bake bread on Christmas Eve morning, having a gingerbread house making contest (I was the WINNER, of course) with a $5.00 cash prize (we are big spenders around here), dressing everyone up in matching jammies for our annual Christmas Eve picture (I feel like we are getting cheesier every year, although Molly didn't get a new pair of pajamas- and that would have really been the "icing on the cake"), listening to Papa read the Scripture on Christmas morning before we open presents (this will forever be my most treasured memory of Christmas this year), and seeing Trey and Carrington's excitement over all the gifts. Trey especially loved his new raincoat, rain boots, and umbrella! He was adorable! Carrington got a brand new kitchen, which I need to take pictures of, and Trey's "big" gift was an Innotab! We call it his "computer" and he loves it! The kids also received a giant teddy bear (it is awesome, again, I need to take pics of these things), and Grammy bought Carrington a child's tea set in the Old Country Rose pattern (it's been my family china pattern for several generations). This was also incredibly special to me since I have wonderful memories of Grammy and I having tea parties growing up, using her special china, and now I know that this can be made special for Carrington too. We played Dance Central 2 on Christmas night and the kids stayed up WAY past their bedtime every night!
The "girls" spent time shopping, and Doug took the "guys" Christmas Even shopping, and then also took them down to the city center in Charlotte on Christmas Day. Papa gave Grammy a garnet ring- a gift that he has promised her he would one day give, and it made Grammy cry. My hope is that Papa will be able to remember that moment. We all ate way too much food, and I can honestly say that this was the very best Christmas we have ever had, so far.
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