When Trey was about this same age, he had an obsession with putting Doug's boxers on his head and walking around. In the past few weeks, Carrington has discovered this exact same game, but instead, she gets into my underwear drawer and puts all of my underwear around her head. Why do my kids think this is so funny??? I'm sure you don't want to see my "unmentionables", but this pic was too cute!

Carrington also spends most of her time climbing onto or into anything she possibly can, and tries to duck down and hide where nobody can see her. It is the funniest thing I've ever seen, but there have been a few occasions where I have literally had to go looking for her, because she was hiding so well!

Her little personality is quirky and funny, and she is always having a good time! She will be 15 months on the 29th, and I'm looking forward to going to the doctor and seeing what a big girl she is! She loves pasta, and bananas, and pretty much anything you put in front of her. I'm not kidding- she will eat just about anything! She has an odd love for "weird" foods like pickles, green olives, lemons and limes, and other tart and tangy foods- so strange! She also likes to drink water like a "big girl", without a sippy top lid. And, I have to admit, she is surprisingly good at it! (It might be all the practice she's been getting in the bathtub with the toy cups- but I try not to dwell on the fact that she drinks a ridiculous amount of dirty bath water.)
She is fearless- and I'm not kidding. There is nothing that she won't do, or try to do, with no thought of the consequences. There is always some sort of bump on her head, or cut on her hand, and most of the time, I have no idea where they even come from! She can now successfully get off our bed (which sits pretty high in the air) by going feet first and free falling onto the ground. I need to go back and see when Trey was able to do this same stunt, but I'm pretty sure he was a little bit older than 14 months. Or maybe she just looks weird doing it, since she is so small!
She still isn't a big talker- she says "Dada", "Mama" (although it's much less often, since Dada is certainly her favorite word), and "Dora"- I'm not 100% sure this is actually the word she is saying, but she says it every time Dora is on TV or we are reading a Dora book, and I'm a little sad she says this more than "Mama". :( She also shakes her head yes and no, and stretches her little arms out and flexes her fists open and closed when she wants more (not exactly sign language, but I get the point). She also says "Mmmmmmmmmmm" when she is really enjoying her food- of course!
Other little habits- she constantly takes her socks and shoes off in the car, and EVERY morning I have to go searching around the back seat for the lost pieces of clothing. One morning this week, the purple sock was MIA and we had to go sockless, despite the freezing cold weather. I felt like it was a valuable lesson learned for her! :) She loves pushing her baby doll around in the stroller and playing with the pots and pans in her kitchen- we haven't gotten out all the pieces yet, since I'm not sure she's ready for so much responsibility at once (baked goods, teapots, cups, and saucers,...- so many pieces to keep track of!).
She's awesome, and I love watching her personality grow!
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