The weather has been amazing this past week, and we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day than New Years Eve. It was 65 degrees and gorgeous! Despite the fact that Trey had a terrible ear infection earlier in the week (which landed us in Urgent Care), Kristyn had been fighting a cold, and I also wasn't feeling too well the day before, we decided to spend the day at the zoo. Seriously, I'm pretty sure that we spend more time at the zoo than most people, and I am considering purchasing an annual pass for 2012. EVERY time we go, we have the very best time, and it is one of our favorite places to visit- and this time was no exception.
Trey ran from exhibit to exhibit pointing at the animals and wanting to see more, and Carrington was sweet as can be riding in the wagon through the zoo. Later, when we asked Trey what animals he saw, he said "bunnies, horses, and fish"- the 3 animals that we spent the least amount of time on, but apparently made the largest impact! We let the kids run off energy at the playground, and Doug told me that night that his favorite part of the day was seeing how much fun Carrington had going down the slides. My personal favorite exhibits are the giraffes, flamingos, and penguins. :) Trey was fascinated with feeding the squirrel his french fries at lunch, and we even got a group picture before we left. It was a perfect day!
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